
Below are all the records of Pierre Arvay, arranged in six genres which can be selected from the menu above. The ‘Orchestrations and arrangements' genre presents records only containing music from other composers, orchestrated and arranged by Pierre Arvay.

  • You can listen to all of the pieces composed and/or orchestrated and arranged by Pierre Arvay (in full or extracts depending on the genre). Music that has not been recorded on disc (having been offered to professionals on audio tape only) is available in the MUSIC section;
  • Records are not necessarily presented in chronological order during the course of a given year, except for those of the same label as sales references make it possible to identify the order of issue.
    In order to date discs where the original media gave no indication of a date, the date of registration of copyright at the Bibliothèque nationale de France was crosschecked against the Sacem catalogue, the Arvay family's files and/or other references such as press publications or information from editors;
  • The 2-track singles versions of a record, as well as the foreign pressings issued by the same label, are cited on its fact sheet.
    Instrumental music

Le Son pour l'image vol. 15 : Funambules, Jongleurs, Acrobates

(RDM édition CD1212 — 2020)
CD Details
    Instrumental music

Le Son pour l'image vol. 18 : Fête foraine

(RDM édition CD1215 — 2020)
CD Details
    Instrumental music

Le Son pour l'image vol. 19 : Vive les majorettes

(RDM édition CD1216 — 2020)
CD Details
    Instrumental music

Le Son pour l'image vol. 24 : Musées, Expositions, Vernissages

(RDM édition CD1235 — 2020)
CD Details
    Instrumental music

Pierre Arvay

(Various / Divers — 2025)