
Close Instrumental music

Pierre Arvay

Various / Divers — 2025

Introduction - Credits:

Summary - Information:

Singer(s) - Performer(s):

Orchestrator(s) & arranger(s):



Since the 2000s, Pierre Arvay’s library music has been available in a digital format. De Wolfe Music and Kapagama – his two main publishers – have stopped producing CDs (De Wolfe Music stopped in 2014). The catalogue of recordings can now be accessed via the Internet.
The development of downloadable music and music-listening websites also concerns other tracks by Pierre Arvay. His songs and orchestrations for various artists are now available on several websites. Consequently, his work on disc is rarer.

Moreover, Pierre Arvay records that were released in France until 1962 are no longer subject to neighbouring rights, which means that the original producers no longer have to give their permission for the music to be performed or broadcast. Several labels have therefore begun to sell them on the Internet, with varying degrees of quality (inaccurate credits, poor sound quality, etc.).

Take the specific example of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (the National Library of France). One of its missions is to preserve sound recordings released in France, going back to the original recordings (approximately one million recording media). A programme to digitize some of the records released until 1962 (and therefore no longer subject to neighbouring rights) was launched in partnership with Believe Digital and Memnon Archiving Services. Within this framework, since 2013, the Bibliothèque nationale de France has been selling digital versions of many Pierre Arvay 33 and 45 RPMs on different music download platforms.